If your tab preferences are set to In Full Screen Only or Manually, hold down the Option key when opening or creating new documents to open them in a new tab. New images open in a new tab according to your preferences in System Preferences > Dock – either Always, In Full Screen Only, or Manually. Close all tabs except the current one by Option-clicking the Close button of the tab you’re in. Merge all your Pixelmator windows into a single one by choosing Window > Merge All Windows. Quickly drag and drop layers between documents in different tabs. Use Rotate and Scale sliders to transform layers. When previewing effects or adjustments, a Show Original button lets you take a peek at the original image. Use the Touch Bar to change color, alignment, and other text properties. The Touch Bar is customizable, so you can choose exactly which tools you’d like to keep in it.
Set the most useful tool options for your selected tool right in the Touch Bar.Support for Deep Images makes colors in 16-bit images more vibrant and true-to-life on Wide Color displays.The new Smart Refine feature lets you instantly improve selections with stunning accuracy and speed.Use Tabs to easily manage your Pixelmator windows.The Touch Bar keeps your favorite Pixelmator tools and the most useful options always at hand.Pixelmator is now fully compatible with macOS Sierra.
Pixelmator 3.6 Cordillera brings full support for macOS Sierra and the all-new MacBook Pro Touch Bar, adds Tabs, includes a content-aware Smart Refine feature, Deep Images support, and more.